Train brakes not released / Hand brakes left on (HBLO)


Freight sector scorecard

Any incident involving a train or vehicle departing a yard, depot, siding or terminal with a handbrake applied.

SMIS sub-event/s

Key fields

Object/Form section Form question
Railway operating incident

During which activity did the operational incident occur? = Preparing, driving or stabling trains

What was the train operating incident type? Other train operating incident

NOTE: New option will be added to capture HBLO as part of SPOIDs SMIS improvement form)

Train object Who was the train operator?
What was the train type?
Location section What was the location type?

Initial event ownership

Event type Sub-event Initial input
Train brakes not released / Hand brakes left on Railway operating incident Railway Undertaking


  • If a train leaves the Yard, Depot or Siding (YDS) with the handbrake left on, but it is not discovered until on the running line, the location should be recorded as the point of origin (i.e. the YDS where the train departed).